Right. Good. Let's get started.
The movie begins with this little scene in a theater and I can't remember what's actually discussed here, but I think it's included in the film to set up a few things. Like: That dude in the workshirt has lots of sage advice and compassion, the girl in the colorful layers and fur vest (kind of a Lizzie McGuire vibe, yeah?) is a costume designer for the theater, and the girl in blue with the button down was a set designer but now she has some non-theater related job with a thankless and horrible boss. I'm not sure why she's so happy, though, she has a thankless boss and her button down is doing that horrible bust button gape that makes you anxious about your otherwise adorable outfit for the entire day.
Okay, so then these three lovely roommates are going to have a girls night out and costume designer girl glams up set designer girl and we get to meet third roommate (actress girl). They talk about how set designer girl needs to let loose and be spontaneous as costume designer girl puts excessive amounts of glitter around her eyes, effectively disguising her as a disco ball and allowing her to be spontaneous without the repercussions of ??? something??? her boss's friends recognizing her??? clients recognizing her??? I don't know. Anyway, have you ever heard of the Bechdel test? It's basically: "do two named female characters talk about something other than a man?" AND if they only have to have two female characters talk about something other than a man ONCE in the movie, well, because of this scene, this movie technically passes. Yay. Congrats. I mean, sure, they are talking really badly about another women in this scene, but, whatever. No men are mentioned.
Speak of the terrible-thankless-boss-and-she-doth-beckon. So, set-designer girl (okay, maybe I should just pop on over to imdb and find out the characters' names.) has to run to her boss's apartment, do something dumb and menial like turn up the heat or water some plants, and then meet her friends for their girl's night out.
Her friends aren't too happy about it. Side note: actress girl in the curlers is JANE BENNET from the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Side note side note: Jane Bennet IS the reason I picked this film to do a post over. Unfortunately, that necklace she's wearing is not cute. But she's cute so it's fine.
So, Wendy (set designer girl) has to go over to her bosses place to do something menial. When she's leaving, she rides the elevator with this guy who looks like a Batman villain. I mean, a Batman villain when not in disguise. Or maybe in disguise as a normal nice guy? I don't know. I just spent the entire film thinking "this guy's nose and cheekbones and entire facial structure would make him a way better Batman villain than male lead in a RomCom." But alas. Wendy, as you can see, looks like a disco ball. Thanks, costume designer girl, Tressa. (I just got on IMDB can you tell or what?) Also, in this shot it looks like Wendy's completely naked. But she's not, she's just wearing a strapless dress that, thanks to her angling, you can't see any of.
See! I told you she was wearing a dress. It's very pretty and white and has this kind of Vegas bride look to it. And since he's in a tux they kind of look like they're on their way to a quicky wedding. So, Wendy and Batman Villain start making out in the elevator (presumably because they think they're going to die? or because making out with strangers is just common courtesy in elevator etiquette?) anyway, but they get interrupted when the doors open up and there are...
Carolers! My favorite is that girl in the middle with the red and green elf hat with the expression like "Oh my goodness, get a room! And that little tiny room you're in right now doesn't count because it's not a room it's an elevator." Yeah, she has a very expressive... expression. Anyway, I also like that one guy at the far left who has styled his hair up around the rim of his Santa hat. Like, that guy's so stylish you can tell that he'd much rather be in a Boy Band than with some kookie carolers, but he's so passionate about song he's tagging along.
So Wendy takes that opportunity to GTFO. As we all would. If a Batman villain ever kisses me in an elevator as soon as the doors open I'm running away as far as possible as fast as possible.
"Oh my goodness, you guys, I totally made out with a Batman villain in the elevator before I came here tonight."
"You did not!" (or possibly "Are you crazy? He probably has mouth herpes." or possibly "Are you crazy? He probably has Robin strung up over a vat of alligators and acid in his basement.")
"Oh my goodness, I've totally done that before!"
After a stressful day of helping her roommate sort through clothes and making out with strange men in elevators, Wendy tries to get some much needed sleeeeep. But she get's woken up by her she-devil boss who needs her ASAP.
Oh, look, two professional women in a professional setting talking to one another, I bet this will be a + for the Bechdel test. Well, sorry, you bet wrong. Priscilla (in the fantastic houndstooth coat) is telling Wendy about how her traveling boyfriend is in town and since her maid is out of town she needs Wendy to do maid's work today. If you follow my fashion blog, you might think I'd be totally into Wendy's wardrobe here. I mean: cardigan? tights? ridiculously short skirt? Those all sort of seem like my scene. But no. I don't like it. I don't like how well her tights blend into that skirt thing and her shirt is weird. Hold on, you'll see in just a moment.
So, Priscilla goes to the spa while Wendy does her chores.
See what I mean about Wendy's shirt being weird? It's, like, see through. And part of it is black and the other part is white. You know how I would like this outfit? If she wore a white dress under the sheer top so the entire dress is white, and then she wore black tights and black mary janes. That would be cute. I would approve. Let's pretend that's what she's wearing instead of this.
"Nice job, now get out, you're all messy from having spent all that time cleaning, and you're not wearing the cute outfit that Kat made up for you." Personally, I think Wendy should have done an "only slightly good" job so that her boss lady wouldn't incorporate maid responsibilities into Wendy's job description.
So she starts to head out and who should she find but... Batman Villain! "How did you find me?" She starts to say, but he didn't find her! He's just Overbearing Boss's Traveling Boyfriend! And he doesn't recognize her. You might be thinking: "Yeah, but she had all that glitter on her face!" But also: WHAT? This is the same sort of ridiculous thing they pull in all the Cinderella Story movies. Look: she's the same height as the girl in the elevator, she has the same complexion as the girl in the elevator, she has the same hair and eye color as the girl in the elevator, and you met the girl in the elevator in the elevator OF THE PLACE YOU ARE CURRENTLY STANDING. Like, this isn't actually hard to figure out, you stupid fool.
Anyway, Wendy leaves and Batman Villain kisses his girlfriend. Right now he's thinking, "Hm, it was way more fun to kiss that girl in the elevator last night. I'm a terrible person." Yes, sir, you are. BATMAN VILLAIN. (Side note: I think it might be, in part, his hairstyle. This actor also plays Booth's brother on Bones and I don't ever remember thinking he was better suited for a Batman villain role.)
So, Wendy and Roommate #1 go to Roommate #2's coffee shop to talk about how Batman Villain is Overbearing Boss's boyfriend. (But somehow nobody ever mentions how it was a crappy thing for Batman Villain to kiss some girl in the elevator when he already had a girlfriend?) Anyway, Roommate #2 comes over like, "Why does it smell like mothballs and sadness over here?" And Wendy has to tell her how she plans to "just forget about" Batman Villain.
"Yeah. Sure. That'll work." (Side note: why you got your scarf on in the indoors?)
So, they don't talk here, but all these ladies get together and dance in their living room AND nobody talks about a dude. So, can we give that a Bechdel test tally? Seriously, they make it look fun to live with other people. I'm not saying living with other people is unfun. I mean, one time Renee (AKA the love of my life) made a ton of cookies and coated our entire kitchen in a thin layer of butter and that was fun. Anyway, Jane Bennet ("Hey! I thought you looked up their names!" I did, but I like Jane Bennet better so that's who she's going to be from now on) is wearing pajamas that a vaguely reminiscent of a pair my best friend had growing up.
But from clear across town Overbearing Boss could hear the faint sounds of her employee having fun, so she had to break up the party by beckoning Wendy IMMEDIATELY.
Wendy's boss lady tells her that they will be planning a Christmas Party for Batman Villain. So, A+ Job avoiding Elevator Man, Elevator Girl. Oh! Look! They're in an elevator again. So here's a question for Batman Villain: you are literally standing IN THE EXACT SPOT where you met elevator girl NEXT TO a girl with the same hair color and length, same eye color, same complexion, same body type, and same height. But since she doesn't have glitter on her face YOU CAN'T RECOGNIZE HER? Dumb dumb dumby dumb. Oh and also I like both your coats well done good job dressing appropriately for the elements.
"How did he not recognize you when you guys were standing in the exact same place and you look exactly like you did the other night only with less glitter face? He seems dumb, you're better off without him."
"I think you're soul mates."
"I think his party will be an excellent time for you to hobnob with theater-y people."
"I think you're soul mates."
"What did we even talk about before Wendy kissed a Batman Villain in the elevator? Our careers? Our hobbies? Taylor Swift's new album? Golly gee I'm sure glad one of us made out with a dude so we could talk about him constantly."
So, Priscilla has Wendy meet her and Adam (oh, "Adam" is Batman Villain's real name) at Adam's house. And Wendy has to bring, like, coffee and pastries and she includes a little nutcracker ornament because... oh! Right, the party is to fundraise for the ballet which is performing The Nutcracker. Okay! So, Wendy gets there early and Batman Villain is wearing a plum sweater (as a true Batman Villain would, but you're not throwing me off your scent, sir, pretending to be a regular old plum sweater wearing guy) and Wendy wears her signature white tights/tight short skirt/cardigan attire paired with a stupid belt that makes me hate everything she's wearing or ever worn. Also I don't think that color skirt goes with her tights or cardigan. And I know harshly criticizing her for her work attire kind of undercuts my feminist rants about how infrequently women discuss anything other than stupid Batman Villain man in this movie but this is a fashion blog post, right?
Sigh. That was exhausting to write.
So, while looking around Adam's house, Wendy finds this supposed first edition of A Christmas Carol. BUT I don't buy it. "Why not?" You ask. WELL. A Christmas Carol was first published in 1843. Does that book look like it was published in 1843? Here. I've found a picture of an actual first edition of A Christmas Carol and this is what it looks like:
Not QUITE so shiny, as you can see. But they did a pretty good job of recreating the emblem on the front. I'm just saying, they should have stepped it up a notch and made it look like it was, say, AS OLD AS THE ROTARY PRESS. (This is true, the rotary press was invented in 1843. Other things invented in 1843:
- The Oregon Trail (like literally people getting in covered wagons and heading from St. Louis to Oregon. Not the video game. Obviously.)
- The act of sending Christmas Cards
- William McKinely and Henry James (like their existences)
- The Economist
- Crazy American Guys predicting the end of the world (and being wrong about it)
- The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe
Look, her skirt isn't only ugly, it's also impractical. She needs way more mobility than that skirt allows. This scene here is supposed to make us feel bad for Wendy because she has to measure stuff while Priscilla talks to her Batman Villain boyfriend and drinks coffee. But, like, I imagine Priscilla has already done her time measuring things and bringing other people coffee. Like, not to support the Bourgeoisie or anything, but if you've paid your dues, started your own business, become a highly acclaimed interior decorator, and hired an assistant, you should totally get to drink coffee while your assistant measures things. (I mean, you shouldn't get to ask your employees to do things outside of their job descriptions... but this was squarely within what Wendy was hired to do. So, like, I don't feel bad for her here. She should've worn pants and set down the papers so that she could measure stuff without looking like a goof.)
Here, Priscilla tells Wendy that she met Adam at a party that she went to to meet Adam and had a friend introduce them because she was attracted to his lifestyle and thought they complimented each other well. She's very clinical about the whole thing, which I think the movie folks do to kind of villainize her for not conforming to the traditional /oh swoon/ love story. But, honestly, I think that's fair. I mean, if he wants a different kind of relationship, it's totally fair for him not to want to be in a relationship with her. But I don't think there's anything wrong with considering what kind of life you can have with someone and looking for a partner that matches you rather than looking for this big romantic burst of emotion. Anyway, as for Priscilla's outfit: I like the shoes, like the skirt, dislike the shirt.
Then Wendy goes home and works up all of these designs based off of the Christmas Carol book that she found despite the fact that when she brought up the idea with Priscilla, Priscilla said she did not like the idea. Side note: I like that robe thingy, it looks really cozy. Also, I like her whole bed set up. Except for that one really bright pillow. It doesn't really "work." So I'm not so sure I'd want to hire her as an interior designer.
Meanwhile, Batman Villain goes to talk to wise old maintenance man at the theater. They talk about how Batman Villain was sure that he wanted to marry Priscilla until he kissed a girl in an elevator and really liked her but apparently didn't like her well enough to recognize her roughly twenty hours later.
Hm, I'm not crazy about the fact that Priscilla seems to exclusively wear black tops and red skirts. Anyway, here Wendy shows Priscilla the designs that Priscilla preemptively nixed because she thought the concept was overdone and juvenile. And then Wendy gets surprised when Priscilla thinks the designs are overdone and juvenile. But hey I actually like that black and white striped sweater black leggings/tights thing Wendy is wearing. That's right up my proverbial alley.
So, Adam comes over and Priscilla shows him her super chic designs but he's not feeling the modern Christmas thing. But this is a boo on him, she asked him what he was looking for and he was just like, "I trust you." Like, if you have an idea, you have to tell someone what it is if you want them to make it a reality.
But then she does a really crappy thing where she shows him Wendy's designs and claims them as her own and then threatens Wendy saying that if she says anything about having actually designed the designs Priscilla will fire her and make it impossible for her to work anywhere in interior design ever again. (Is Priscilla really that powerful? Perhaps. She's constantly going sleeveless in Boston in the wintertime. So it kind of seems like she has, at the very least, a pretty high threshold for cold.) Anyway, Batman Villain really likes Wendy's designs, but totally believes that, despite the fact that the style and presentation are 110% different than the ones he just looked at, they're Priscilla's designs.
"We could be talking about how my work environment is starting to feel increasingly unsafe, but instead we should talk about everything in the context of this guy I kissed in an environment."
"Yeah, you're boss stole your designs and is threatening you, but most importantly you should try and steal her boyfriend."
"That's a cute cardigan, though."
"Thanks, I stole it from Mr. Rogers and then dyed it with plums."
"Wouldn't it be crazy if we were talking about that guy you kissed in the elevator and then he was standing right behind me?"
Here's a question: if this movie was made in 2011, why are ALL OF THE CLOTHES so reminiscent of 2003?
So Adam, who shows up at this coffee shop because it's where Wendy got the coffee that she brought him, goes over and meets Wendy's friends who make lots of references to glitter and elevators and things like that. And Wendy, of course, kicks them under the table and elbows them and what not. But does Batman Villain pick up on the very obvious clues they're laying down for him? Of course not.
When he gets home, Priscilla helps him with his coat (as an excuse to snoop through it and find the engagement ring he bought her) Here's something: why does Priscilla ALWAYS wear sleeveless tops? Does she just never go outside? I swear, this winter I've been wearing like two long sleeve shirts and a cardigan and a jacket and tights and leggings and a skirt and a scarf and wool boots everywhere I go. "That's an exaggeration!" you scream, and you're right. Congratulations. You caught me. 100 points to Dorkador. Sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just assumed you'd be housed in Dorkador. You might be housed in Snufflemumps or something.
So, Priscilla, Wendy, and Tressa go to Adam's house to start decorating. Priscilla is rocking a gorgeous, sleek black dress with heels that say "Yeah, I'm just going to point at stuff and not actually do anything." Tressa's decked out in dark jeans, a fitted purple shirt, and a leather jacket so she is 110% Kat-approved in her attire. Seriously. I love a lady in a leather jacket.
And then Tressa, probably feeling pretty BA in her leather jacket, ""accidentally"" whacks Priscilla in the face with that giant lamp post thing. And Priscilla freaks out because "ADAM CAN'T SEE ME LIKE THIS" so she decides to go to the spa (but says she's going away "on business") for a few days and let Wendy set up the entire party by herself. (Really, if there's a commission on this, Wendy should get all of it. I mean, she did the measuring, designing, and all of the setting up? Priscilla is just a namesake at this point.)
So, while her boss is away, Wendy goes into "steal your boyfriend" overdrive. Just kidding. But seriously. Anyway! Adam insists on helping her out when she goes to get the Christmas trees for the house so they head out to the Christmas Tree Farm. (Okay, Wendy, I know I've given you crap about your clothes in the past, but let me just say: that coat, those gloves, and that hat? Those are all things that I would wear! Good job, you.)
And the carolers are back! Are they the same carolers? I don't know. That one dude definitely is, though. He's probably like, "Oh, look, that cute elevator couple are out tree shopping, how sweet" because he could probably figure out who Elevator Girl was.
Post-Christmas Tree shopping, Wendy and Adam go out for coffee. She's wearing a green shirt and he's wearing a red shirt so you can tell that it's Christmas. Like, just in case the fairy lights and title of the film didn't clue you in.
"Holy Snowglobes, you guys are on a date. We're going to crash. Oh! Hey! Do you like my hat? It's pretty cute, right? It matches my adorable personality."
"Did you guys make out again? I mean... whoops. For the first time? Did you guys make out for the first time ever because Wendy definitely wasn't dressed up like a discoball attached to your face the other day... hahaha... ha. Ihityourgirlfriendinthefacewithagiantpole."
And then Adam makes Wendy eat figgy pudding which is like something you can tell from the name would be really gross. Hey! I think that dress is from Target! I love Target. They're like my favorite place to buy clothes and stalk my pretty friends. I mean, what? Just the clothes buying thing. Anyway, she's also wearing a really cute cardigan, so, at the very least her style is getting better as this movie progresses.
So, Wendy and Adam do a lot of decorating together and she continues to pretend that skirts and dresses and heels are reasonable things to wear while decorating. (I know what you're thinking, "How are they not?" Well, obviously they aren't because you have to do a lot of crawling around, climbing up on things, hunting for plugins, dusting off bannisters, that sort of thing.)
Then he takes her out for pizza and beer to "thank her" for everything she's done for him. And he tells her that he's going to propose to Priscilla because he wasn't so sure but then she came up with those designs and now he 110% knows that she's the right girl for him. (Side note: sorry I keep saying "110%" that's just my new thing I guess?)
And then he takes her on a carriage ride. Like, stop trying to date this girl when you're supposedly ready to marry this other girl, dude. Anyway, Bobby Moynihan over here (I don't think that's really Bobby Moynihan. But maybe, right? No. It's not. I looked.) is dressed up like he's gotta visit Ebenezer later that night. And Wendy is dressed entirely in white and she's wearing the coat that she was carrying in the elevator. But does Batman Villain recognize her? Of course not.
BUT THEN when she's getting out of the carriage, she trips and he catches her. AND THEN he finally recognizes her. Took him long enough.
THEY ALL HAVE MONOCHROMATIC PAJAMAS. THAT IS SO 2002! Anyway, here, the conversation goes like this:
"He only wants to marry her for the designs? You HAVE to tell him they're YOU'RE designs!"
"I can't!"
"Tell him about the elevator."
"I CAN'T."
"Okay, then talk about something other than him."
"No, sorry, can't."
So, now, Batman Villain is questioning whether or not he really wants to marry Priscilla and we're all questioning how a grown man only has hair on his head. Seriously. He doesn't even have, like, an arm hair. But his head-hair seems fairly thick. Like, did he have all of his body hair grafted onto his head or something?
"Hey, since neither of us made out with a guy in an elevator, do you want to talk about the season finale of How To Get Away With Murder?"
"Nah, I'd rather talk about Wendy and how she made out with a guy in an elevator."
"Yeah. OR... WE could go make out in an elevator."
"Yeah? Okay, I'm in. I get off at four."
"All right. Which elevator?"
"Let's go with one of those glass ones in a mall."
"Hey, I'm going to go hang out with my boyfriend... I mean, my boss's boyfriend."
"Right. Good. Tell him the truth."
"Then be careful."
"Okay, we're going to go make out once Caroline gets off work, so, don't wait up."
Okay, so, Wendy at hairless Batman Villain finish decorating and then they watch all the Christmas movies ever while eating Chinese food. AND then go ahead and guess what happens. Yeah. You guessed it...
They fall asleep. Okay! Right here, see those angles of his face? Total Batman Villain, right? Anyway, after they fall asleep... well, you can guess what happens next. Yup. You're right:
Priscilla returns! And she returns looking mighty fine with a deep cut, gray shirt and fitted jeans. I know, she's like a super cruel boss or whatever, but she's so well dressed, you guys.
"Nothing happened."
"I mean obviously nothing sexual happened you're both fully dressed and on a tiny couch and Muppets Christmas Carol is on and there are Chinese takeout boxes everywhere. But you still probably shouldn't have spent all night with a girl who isn't your girlfriend while you still have a girlfriend. And, like, this is feeling kind of emotional affair-y, really. Which sucks, you know?"
Okay, that's not what she said. What she said was something more like, "Of course not, she's my assistant." And she said the word assistant with an impressive amount of disgust.
Okay, so, Batman Villain goes to take a shower (when he should have just broken up with his girlfriend, I mean, he clearly has feelings for somebody else) and Priscilla answers his phone which is how she finds out he plans on returning the engagement ring. So, obviously, she gets really peeved, and devises a not so cool plan. Step 1 of the plan: find the engagement ring. Since this is supposed to be a fashion blog post, let me just add: I really like that sweater thing. It looks super cozy. I would like one. I would totes curl up in it all the time. Also A+, Priscilla, for finally recognizing that it's winter.
Step two of the plan: call Wendy back to the house, tell her Adam proposed, show her the ring, force her to clean up the living room, and fire her. Not a great day for Wendy, really. I wouldn't have cleaned up. I'd be like, "You wanna fire me, fine, but I'm not picking up these dishes, then." Anyway, the red button down paired with a long sweater and gray pants? That's a totally practical outfit. It's comfortable, you can move around in it, and it's the kind of outfit that really says, "What? Me? No, I totally didn't make out with your boyfriend. See? GRAY pants! And you can't even see my collarbone. If anybody made out with your boyfriend they would HAVE to be the kind of person whose collarbone you can see in its entirety."
So then Wendy goes home and cries to Tressa about how she fell in love with Adam and she should have known better than to go Christmas tree shopping with him and take sleigh rides with him and all that jazz. And Tressa just nods a lot like, "Yea, girl, I told you." And Wendy, when she cries, gets a "W" face. That's different, right? Like, when I cry my face just gets really puffy and red and swells up twice its normal size.
So then Adam, all happy, goes to tell the wise old maintenance man that he's decided to break up with his girlfriend. But you know what he should have been doing? BREAKING UP WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND. Like, what? Are you just waiting for the most opportune time? Or did you just forget about her existence for a bit?
Since Adam just had to go talk to the wise old maintenance man instead of breaking up with his girlfriend, Priscilla has the opportunity to enact part 3 of her ludicrous master plan. So, Adam gets home and she's like, "You'll never believe it! Wendy QUIT and is REFUSING to come to our party WHICH I can see will double as our ENGAGEMENT PARTY because I found this RING and so we're GETTING MARRIED." Which is totes stupid because she's like... smart, pretty, and talented. She could find another guy, one who is looking for the same sort of relationship she is, and marry him. And this hypothetical guy might have a better haircut and less villainous facial features. You never know.
And instead of saying, "I'm sorry, no, instead of getting married I think we should break up..." Adam just goes and pouts about how his new favorite coffee is sold in the same coffee shop where the roommate of the girl that he wants to date works. Which apparently means he isn't allowed in any more? Which is dumb. But he's kind of dumb, too, so I guess it makes sense.
"Where's Wendy?"
"Off pouting because that Batman Villain got engaged to, well, frankly, another Batman Villain." (Seriously, how did I not notice that before? I mean, Adam definitely looks like a Batman Villain. But Priscilla kind of acts like one. Okay, now I think they're suited for each other. I hope they do get married. Team Batman Villains FTW.)
"Well that's weird because he said he wanted to keep making out with the elevator girl."
"Yeah, so, I was thinking I would just hang out here in my lounge clothes and get drunk tonight, all right?"
"Nope, sorry, I made, like 316 hand-stitched tutus, so you're going to put on a dress and some lipstick and come see the show." (What? I "clearly" don't know how costume designers design costumes for ballets? That's ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as Caroline's necklace. And, actually, that whole dress. It looks like a prom dress that got ripped in half and maybe run over a few times. Tressa looks mighty fine, though.) (And Caroline agrees. About Tressa looking mighty fine.) (They're going to make out again after the show.)
"You're being really moody and sulky and rude at this shindig you're throwing."
"Yeah, so, I didn't ever actually ask you to marry me..."
No, I'm not even kidding, here. He doesn't just come out and say, "Look, I don't want to marry you." INSTEAD he's just, like, "Hey, I don't know if you realize this or not but I never actually proposed." If you ask me, he's kind of a coward.
Okay, so, at the ballet, before the show starts, the wise old maintenance man signals Adam to come back stage. I really like the colors and framing of this shot. Just FYI.
And who should be backstage but Wendy, looking all gorgeous and glittery.
But Priscilla follows Adam backstage and then is in this awkward position where the two people she lied to are right there and she can't possibly maintain both lies. So, she tries to maintain the one she told Adam. And she says something like, "Ah, gee, Wendy, I'm really sorry for whatever happened between us, I'd really like to still work with you..." Costume question: do you think this is just an awkward angle, or is that neckline somehow asymmetrical with a 90* angle? That's awkward looking, right? Like just scooch it over a bit so that your dress is as symmetrical as your gorgeous, gorgeous face.
Okay, so, then Wendy rants at them. And let me just say: I watched this movie twice in preparation for this blogpost, and I still have no clue what she says in her rant. I don't like when people talk about their feelings, so I kind of just muted it during this scene. Anyway! I really like her dress, though. It makes me think of an ice skater. And I like ice skaters way more than I like regular people who aren't skating around on ice.
Okay, so then Tressa lowers a giant wooden nutcracker down on Priscilla's head, knocking her down. It really makes you question whether or not it was an "accident" when Tressa hit Priscilla in the face with that street lamp earlier in the movie.
"I know I should be a decent guy and help you out now that you've been hit in the face with a giant wooden nutcracker... but instead, in true Batman Villain fashion, I'm just going to take the engagement ring you're wearing and leave you on the floor while I go after another girl." Jerrrrk. Like, I'm not saying that Priscilla isn't a terrible boss who abuses her position of power over her employees. And I'm not saying that Priscilla isn't manipulative in all of her relationships. But that doesn't mean she deserves to be hit in the face and then abandoned.
"I was being all BA, powerful, well-spoken, and confident like ten minutes ago, but now I'm going to blubber in an elevator because I liked a guy that I knew wasn't available and then surprise surprise he turned out not to be available."
"Just so you know, I did, eventually, realize you were the elevator girl. I mean, did it take me an eon and a half? Sure. But... eventually."
"You would think that we would be helping prepare for the big show that's on tonight, but... uh, instead, I think we should break this elevator so that those two could make out some more."
"Yeah, good plan. Hey, later I'm going to come back here with Caroline and can you break the elevator again when she and I are on it?"
"Caroline? Really? Awe, I was always hoping you two girls would end up together."
Not going to lie, I'm way more interested in the love story that I have made up for Tressa and Caroline than I am in the actual love story in this movie.
"Hey, look, the elevator broke. Let's make out!"
...Uh, thank you guys for reading to the end of this blogpost. That means so much to me. But seriously this isn't a good movie like at all so please do not go out and watch it unless you REALLY enjoy crap-tastic romantic comedies.
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