Beauty, Fashion, Recipes, DIY Projects, and More: All for the Busy and Budgeted.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas Decorating!

Okay! So, to kick of this December, I decided to get into the Christmas spirit by decorating my room! Now, obviously, if you're going to put up decorations, you have to start by cleaning up a bit. Which also means packing up some of your nicknacks that might be strewn about. (Like... I personally have the ceramic statue collection of a 76 year old woman.)

Okay! So, you might be thinking, "Woah-ho, Katrina, you definitely still have a lot of nicknacks strewn about" and if you're thinking that, you'd be right. BUT it's significantly less than the before pictures (if I'd taken before pictures) would have shown.

Anyway. Since my space is kind of tight and cluttered to begin with, I tried to keep things simple when I was decorating. So, as you can see, I've added a festive touch but not... well, transformed it into a Macy's in mid-December.

Right, so, here are a few big room shots, but I'll also show you some of the little Christmas touches up close. I think your best bet for decorating a space like this is to keep the decorations simple understated. (Yeah, I don't really know what I'm talking about. Let me just show you some more pictures.)

Okay! First and foremost: Christmas Trees. If we're talking about decorating a more spacious area, I'm definitely ALL for real trees. But I was obviously pretty limited space-wise, so I just have two, small, plastic trees. I've had each of these for quite some time. The one on the left is small and you can switch it "on" so that the tips glow different colors. It's pretty nifty, and it is technically on in this picture, but I just don't think it was a feature that I could capture in a photograph. On the right, I have a bit larger of a tree. I decided to put it at the corner of my desk where there's this kind of elevated platform. It's in the corner of my room and really able to kind of be a focal point there. Anyway, it's decorated with a few decorations that I made when I was younger and some little ornaments that I bought in a pack. I have placed a winter themed candle from Bath and Body Works next to each one, giving them a nice warm glow and making my whole room smell like a winter wonderland. Also, I decided to place the ceramic cat next to the larger tree because she really looks like she belongs in that scene, you know?

Next: Christmas Lights! The lanterns hanging next to my winter are there all year round, but I've added a few strands of lights going around my window and then up and across one of my walls. I decided to go with the plain yellow lights because my room is already kind of chaotic. But I totally support the multi-colored lights, too. Along that wall I also hung a paper chain that I made out of red and green decorative paper. It looks really nice running parallel with the yellow lights.

Okay! So, the situational stuffed animal can totally look like a decoration. Unlike the mouse on the right, the sock bunny on the left isn't innately Christmas themed. But since he's setting next to a bobble head from Rudolph, some Christmas lights, and a Vanilla Cookie candle? He looks like a proper Christmas decoration. On the right, I have a Christmas mouse (he goes with a book that I think was actually titled Christmas Mouse...) and his red scarf makes him look kind of festive to begin with. But then since he's setting next to a "letters" boxed wrapped in Christmas paper he definitely looks festive. ...Right, so, by "situational stuffed animals" I mean: you can make your stuffed animals look Christmasy just by setting them in Christmasy situations.

Wreaths! This particular wreath I made with some styrofoam, yarn, and Christmas tree ornaments. I wanted to go with monochromatic color scheme, but a colorful one could be fun, too.

And finally: my favorite decoration. This is a Christmas Tree made out of baby food jars, some tinsel, and Christmas Tree lights. I've had it, well, since I was a baby. And I really really adore it. I remember when I was younger plugging it in around Christmas time, laying on the floor, and staring at it until I fell asleep.

Okay! So, that's it for this blogpost. Please let me know in the comments down below what YOUR favorite decoration is (for whatever you celebrate!). AND keep your eyes peeled because there will be a video coming up shortly that takes you through how I made some of these decorations.

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