Beauty, Fashion, Recipes, DIY Projects, and More: All for the Busy and Budgeted.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread

The best way to celebrate this fabulous fall weather is with... PUMPKIN BREAD. As you know, this month is devoted to Halloween. And this is totally related to the theme because of the whole "pumpkin" thing, but I realize that it is kind of a stretch. But, it's also fun and delicious and a recipe you need to have anyway.

Now, the pumpkin recipe that I use is a super modified version of this one, so you can look over both and then make up your own. That's how recipes work, you know. 

To start, you're going to want to gather up some ingredients. These ingredients include:
    • 1 can of pumpkin
    • 4 eggs
    • 1 cup vegetable oil
    • 2/3 cup water
    • 1 banana
    • 2 cups sugar
    • 2 cups white flour
    • 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
    • 2 tsp baking soda
    • 1 1/2 tsp salt
    • 1 tsp cinnamon
    • 2 tsp vanilla

My dad got this new can opener that honestly looks like it doesn't do anything but then works super effectively. Anyway. It's pretty cool. I have such a hard time opening cans that it was really a relief to find this thing. 

In a bowl, mix up all your stuff. I just use a spoon to stir, but you can, of course, use a mixer. Pro-tip! If you're just spoon stirring, you might want to get as mushy brown of a banana as you can stand. Which will also help make the bread sweeter. Pro-tip Part-two: should you choose to, you can actually nix the sugar altogether and just use three bananas. But, if you do that, you'll kind of have something like pumpana bread. Not saying that's bad, of course. I've never tried it. 

Pour your bread into a giant casserole cake bread thing. Or whatever bread tin you want to use. I suppose if you use genuine loaf tins it'll be easier for you to share with your neighbor. If you want to share with your neighbor. Strange. What did your neighbor do to deserve pumpkin bread? Nothing. Keep it for yourself! 

Anyway, then stick the bread tin(s) in an oven preheated to 350*F and bake it for like an hour. While you're busy baking, take the opportunity to clean up your mess so that your roommate/husband/wife/father/mother/child/cousin/whomever doesn't have to do it for you.

When the kitchen is clean and the hour is up, check and make sure your bread is cooked all the way through by stabbing it with a fork. If, when you pull the fork out, a bunch of battery goo comes out with it, you'll need to let it bake a bit longer. If the fork comes out clean (or just smeared with melty chocolate) then the bread is done! Congratulations.

It will be golden and delicious. You can choose to serve it up and share with friends, or just take a fork and eat the whole thing by yourself in one go. Either way, you've impressed me! (Either by your generosity or by your sheer force of will!) 

This is one of my favorite fall recipes. So! I hope you enjoy it as well! <3

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