Beauty, Fashion, Recipes, DIY Projects, and More: All for the Busy and Budgeted.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feels Like Spring Purple Makeup Look

In Missouri, we get the occasional warm, Springy day mid-February. So, on one particular Springy day, I put together this "feels like Spring" look, and I thought I would share it with you in case you want to recreate the look.

Makeup Used:
So, for my face-base, I used Clinda...oh, whatever, some moisturizer my dermatologist prescribed. Then I covered up spots with Mario Badescu's Drying Cream, blending the cream into the zit-specks. Over all my face, I coated Dr. Brandt's "pores no more," which is a super awesome primer that I got from my February Birchbox. HOWEVER: I will not likely be buying any of Dr. Brand'ts "pores no more" because it's hella expensive, so I'm going to look for a drugstore dupe. (pst, if you have any suggestions, please let me know!) On top, I used Almay Clear Complexion Concealer, which I applied to any acne and discoloration on my face, blending it in with the padding of my middle finger.

Then, I gave my face 5-10 minutes to set before proceeding with my foundation. The foundation I am currently using is Almay's Smart Shade Mousse, which I think has a nice cover, but a really foul odor. So, you know, it's not ideal. I probably will not be getting it again. Again, I waited about 5-10 minutes before proceeding. Then, I set my face with Almay's smart shade loose finishing powder which I do really like and might get again. 

Now, for my eyes. Okay, so, you know how I said that I kept waiting 5-10 minutes before proceeding? Well, I didn't just sit about humming, twiddling my thumbs, and waiting for the timer to buzz during that time. Instead, I worked on my eyes. Or I got distracted by Tumblr, one of the two. Okay, so, I started with a white powder base on my lids, and I used Wet'n'Wild Coloricon Eyeliner in Purple right above my eyelashes. Then, I used light purple powder right under my lower lashes and I dusted some along the crease of my eye lid. Then! I used Great Lash purple mascara which I LOVE even though it's not super-purple on my lashes, it looked really pretty and girly with the rest of my makeup, so, yeah.

 ...I forgot to include the eyeliner in the pictures, which is why it's by itself.

Then, my lips. As a base for my lips, and just to ensure that they stay nice and hydrated, I used Nivea Lip Care Butter in Vanilla & Macadamia Nut Kiss. (Quick story about this stuff, I love it, but you need just a very little bit of it to apply to your lips. One time, I was at a coffee shop when my friend Chris came in--I think he was meeting someone for a date, but I'm not sure so don't quote me on that--and he showed up at my table, kind of awkwardly, and was like, "My lips are super dry, do you have chapstick?" Which I didn't, I just had my Nivea Lip Butter, but I offered him son and he took SO MUCH OUT and then I was like, "Nope, you've got way too much" and took it away AND HE TRIED TO PUT SOME OF THE EXCESS STUFF FROM HIS FINGER BACK INTO MY LITTLE TIN.)

Then, I topped my lips off with NYX Soft Creme Matte in Tokyo which is basically the best lipstick I have ever used. It's excellent. I highly recommend it.

Anyway, that's my whole look for this blogpost. This was kind of an odd blog, eh? Well, I don't really know how to run a beauty/lifestyle blog, so there's that. Hey! How obvious was my 'stache in that first pic? Pretty obvious, right? Right? I got soo off track with what this blog was supposed to be like. Eh, I'll do better next post, kay? Kay.

Friday, February 21, 2014

New Blog; Road Trip Snacks Review

Hello! So, we'll begin with a pretty quick explanation of this particular blog. This is my second blog. My primary blog is a personal blog, which you can find here. I decided to start this blog when I started my new youtube channel: a beauty and lifestyle channel with an emphasis on "budget" products. So, this new blog is a beauty and lifestyle blog with an emphasis on "budget" products, as well.

Two weekends ago, I went to Springfield to visit my aunt. I wrote a whole blog post about it over on my other blog. (You could read it if you'd like.) As suggested by the title, this particular blog post is not about my trip but rather a review of the road trip snacks I had during my drive down.

It's about a three hour drive and I left before lunch, so I kind of stocked up on snacks. Plus, I didn't have any audio books loaded on my iPod so I was in one of those need-to-snack-on-things-in-order-to-occupy-myself-and-not-get-highway-hypnotized positions. Anyway, this is what I took:

The Ferrero Rocher, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut CLIF Bar, and Peach Nectarine Sparkling Ice are all old favorites. You can get each, individually, for less than $2.00. I would highly recommend all of them, but this review isn't really going to be about any of them. Though, I will take a moment to note: I used to drink 1-2 Sparkling Ices a day. They're delicious and relatively healthy. But, I did get a curious rash/allergic reaction/breakout deal on my face. I don't know "for fact" that the Sparkling Ice caused it, but I think it is a possibility. I mean, I had a bit of a similar rash/allergic reaction/breakout recently, too, which could be because of that Sparkling Ice I drank. 

If that is the case, I'm really disappointed, because those Sparkling Ices are delicious

Okay, but my review is going to be more focused on the GoPicnic. Every now and again, I have considered getting a GoPicnic for various reasons (bring to work or school for lunch, take as a snack on the road, take with me for a busy day of running about and questing) but I had never purchased one before. Before I really get into my review, let me just say: I really wish I had picked up two of everything before I went down. I ended up drinking orange soda and eating ritz crackers and sour patch kids on the ride back. Which, don't get me wrong, I like all of those things individually but when you eat them all together you are bound to acquire a stomach ache, headache, and general grossness.

Now! GoPicnic Review, just for you.

Okay, so basic information:

This thing was comprised of peanut butter, honey wheat crackers, cheddar crackers, gummy candies, and applesauce. The whole thing is 390 calories with 9g of protein, and 5g of fiber. Which is not too bad for a meal. 

So, one down fall was that I was driving. As such, I couldn't spread the peanut butter on the crackers, and ended up eating each separately. I wouldn't recommend it because the crackers peanut butter-less were pretty bland. The peanut butter... taste healthy. Which is to say, "they didn't taste as good as peanut butter that is chocked full of sugar and super processed." 

The cheddar crackers were good. They were shaped like the card suits, which I appreciated. They tasted like any other cheddar crackers--like, less salty cheeze-its. The gummy jets were good, too, they tasted like any other gummy candies. 

I hate applesauce. It's awful. But I ate the applesauce in order to write a complete review. So, yeah, I suffered through it for you. Anyway, as far as applesauce goes, this was really sucky applesauce. (But, you know, I'm biased by my intense hatred of applesauce.) Anyway, it was basically just mushed up apples, but somehow less sweet than apples usually are.

So, I would recommend them as an occasional thing. You know, if you need one for an afternoon or a road trip or if you want to stock up in case you're running late and don't have time to prepare a meal. However, they use a lot of packaging and if you were to eat them regularly, the expense would really accumulate. So, if you're looking for a similar thing to eat on a daily/semi-daily basis, I would not go the GoPicnic route. Instead, I'd get a lunch box (like, perhaps one of the Laptop Lunch Bento Boxes) that lets you section off serving sizes of foods and pack your own meals/snacks.