Beauty, Fashion, Recipes, DIY Projects, and More: All for the Busy and Budgeted.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lush Moisturizers!

So, one of my dearest darlingest friends works at Lush. So, the other day, I tweeted about not liking face masks that didn't feel like they were setting your pores on fire with a hot flaming sword, she quickly responded with a face mask suggestion. So, I made my second-ever trip to Lush to get the "Mask of Magnaminty." She also recommended some face scrub, and I kind of always wanted to try the Cupcake Face Mask.

Now, Lush is the sort of store where the people working are super helpful. The girl helping me out suggested I go with a new face-bar-cleanser-deal instead of the face scrub (for now, but I'm going to try out Renee's suggestion sometime, too, because Renee's face is flawless), informed me that the Cupcake Face Mask needs to be refrigerated (meaning I couldn't buy it that particular trip, but, I still really want to try it out), and set me up with three moisturizers.

That's more background than you needed to know. But that's what you get. I'm all about the over-informative spiel.

So, I'm going to review the moisturizers here!

Celestial Moisturizer
Stuff I Liked:
  • It makes my face smell like an orange julius. I love orange juiliuses. 
  • It soaked into my face as soon as I put it on. So, I wasn't left with a slimy, lotiony feeling. Plus, I could go to my primer, like, right away without having to wait around for it to set. 
  • It didn't break out my face, which was nice.
Stuff I Didn't Like:
  • It also didn't do anything for my breakouts. It didn't, like, even out my skin or reduce my acne. I mean, that's not stuff I necessarily need from a moisturizer, but... it'd be nice.
  • When I was using it, my lips got super dried out. Now, there's not necessarily a correlation. Sometimes, I just have super dry lips. But, I was wearing lipstick a lot fairly recently without any problems, and I don't think I was really using any other new products. So, it could be related. 
  • Also, I had a dry patch of skin near chin, where I also had a bit of a breakout. Now, the dry skin is probably directly related to the breakout, but... shouldn't wearing moisturizer everyday limit that? Hmmm?

Vanishing Cream
Stuff I Liked:
  • Like the Celestial Moisturizer, it soaked into my face as soon as I put it on--so! No nasty-lotiony feeling, which is always nice.
  • My skin, at the beginning of the day, looked really nice. Like, smooth. 
  • It didn't breakout my skin, which is nice. And, I'm not saying it was necessarily as a result of the moisturizer, but my skin even seemed to clear up a bit. I mean, not a ton, but a bit
Stuff I Didn't Like:
  • I did not like the scent. It reminded me of model magic mixed in with a bit of doctor's office. Not appealing. 
  • My skin, at the end of the day, looked dry and clumpy. How does one's face look dry and clumpy? I'm not quite sure, but that's the best description I have for it. 

Imperialis Moisturizer
Stuff I Liked:
  • It actually worked like moisturizer! Like, after wearing it for a week or so, my face is completely free of dry patches! Even places where I've been using acne medication. SO...
  • Like the other two, it soaked into my face as soon as I put it on. Which is nice. And now that I'm out of Lush moisturizer samples, I'm back to using Clindamycin Phosphate Lotion which is fine, except... it makes my face all slimy and lotion-y. I super miss having a moisturizer that soaks into my face quickly. 
  • It didn't break out my skin. I have really sensitive skin, so I'm a fan of anything that doesn't actively harm it.

Stuff I Didn't Like:
  • It smelled gross. Like sweat and chlorine. Seriously, if a face cream is going to have the audacity to smell like summertime, it should at least match that with the decency to smell like sea salt and mango popsicles. 
  • It didn't really do anything for my skin. If it kind of cleared up my acne or evened my skin tone? That'd be great.
Overall, I thought all were kind of "meh." But, I was stoked about the whole soak-up-as-soon-as-it-hits-my-skin thing. Of the three, I'd pick the Imperialis Moisturizer because it worked best as a moisturizer. But, I liked the smell of the Celestial Moisturizer better than almost anything I've ever put on my face.