You know how sometimes you're pretty near broke? But you have to eat food? And you would like that food to be filling and nutritious? (I'm serious here, it's a genuine issue. You can buy a box of eight PopTarts for less than four bucks and a salt-packed can of soup costs a dollar. Then, those things last for ages. But if you buy some fruits and vegetables, you'll completely break your bank. Plus, if you don't eat everything
super quickly most everything ro--I've gotten off topic, haven't I?)
Well! Have I got the thing for you. It crosses off three of your five food groups (protein, dairy, and bread), it's relatively quick to make, and all the ingredients are fairly cheap. Also, it's a sandwich. You can totally add a ton of veggies, too, if you want.
- 2 Eggs
- 2 Slices Whole Wheat Bread
- 1 Slice Cheese
- Seasoning
- Butter (optional)
My first step, is always to crack two eggs into a container. So, this might be a "not so advisable" piece of advice. Technically you maybe shouldn't poach two eggs simultaneously in the same pan. But I always do. Because ain't nobody got time to poach eggs one at a time.
Bring a pan of water to a boil. I always heat it at, like, somewhere in the 6-8 heat range. I think technically with poached eggs you should bring it to a boil on high and then move it to mid-heat range once you add the eggs. But, I don't usually do that.
I only ever use the hurricane poached eggs method, where you take a spoon, stir up the boiling water, probably splash some on your forearm, cuss like crazy and say a silent "thank you" that your parents weren't there to hear you, and dump the eggs into the middle of the swirl, which immediately disappears and most of your egg whites wind up going everywhere anyway. Then, you rush to run your forearm under cold water with a dreaded, though admittedly overdramatic, worry that you'll have third degree Bend-It-Like-Beckham burns that eventually scar.
I hear that vinegar works, too. Also, there are apparently little plastic poached egg cozies. Renee had some. So, there are probably easier, less dramatic, methods of doing this, is the point.
This is my chosen method, though. If it's not a little dramatic and overly complicated, it's not the beautythekat way.
Let your eggs boil for ten minutes. Maybe you should tend to them during this time. I usually don't, though, and only once have I had a yolk-entirely-separated-from-the-whites problem. So...
When you only have two or three minutes left on your timer, toast your toast. Actually, that's how long it takes my toaster to toast. The big issue is, really, that you don't your toast to finish waaaay before your eggs, but you also don't want your eggs to finish before the toast. So, timing is key.
Good. Now your toast is toasted.
I don't
always butter one slice of toast. But sometimes I do. I would prefer, though, to use an avocado spread. Or just slices of avocado. Avocado's delicious.
But, I usually, when I'm avocado-less, butter one slice of toast and set a slice of cheese on the other. I prefer aged white cheddar or provolone, but swiss is good, too. Just don't use any of that orange crap. Why would cheese be orange, anyway? Cream is... cream colored. Off white. Whatever. Just don't use the looks-like-it's-been-radiated cheese on my sandwich recipe, okay? (Or do, I really don't care what you do. I eat orange cheese too sometimes. I'm just a grouchy hypocrite.)
Now, add your poached eggs. Try and drain as much of the water that's on them off, though. I like to use one of those spoons with the cut-outs in hopes of preventing the super-soggy-sandwich-situation.
Season that sandwich. I like to use garlic salt and pepper. But you can use whatever you want. Just not, like, crack cocaine or cinnamon.
Then, uh, fold it up into a proper sandwich. And eat it. 'Cause it's delicious, and you should be rewarded for all of that work that you just did.
Anyway, I think the whole thing should only take you about 20-30 minutes. But I'm not positive because I've never timed myself. It's super good, though. So I really recommend you making it. Also, what's up with that title? I don't think I've ever made this for breakfast.